Sunday, December 29, 2013

Oral Sex is Cheating?

I was just speaking with someone, (well fussing at him), about going out with some of his female friends. His friends were going to a swingers party. He stated that he was going with his friends because they were homosexuals and he didn't have to worry about cheating on his girlfriend. I said (because I know him), "but receiving oral sex from them is still cheating whether you penetrate or not." He begged to differ.

I fell cheating is cheating no matter what form it is. If you are doing anything sexually inappropriate with someone other than the one you are committed to, in my opinion, that constitutes as cheating. It doesn't matter to me if it is just a text message with graphic sexual content.

I have noticed that people use oral sex as an excuse of not cheating. It is just as dangerous as having sexual intercourse, you can still transmit STD's whether oral, vaginal or anal. (Don't get me started on people saying anal sex is not cheating...Really!?). Cheating can involve several elements of inappropriate behavior and oral sex is a form of cheating (Hence the word 'Sex' followed by oral).

I'm just saying... Your thoughts?


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Beyonce being Beyonce! So beautiful...

I received a message in my email referencing BeyoncĂ© singing to a terminally ill girl. I decided to view it (which I rarely do) and boy did it touch my heart. People sit around complaining and acting out over things in this life and here this 12 year old girl do not know with great certainty if she will wake up after a nap, while riding in a car or even while watching TV. Bless this little girls heart, I am so glad that she was able to make her dream go true.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


So, I started this weekend on a quest to write 20,000 words. unfortunately, everything possible went wrong this far. My son got sick at school which filtered over to his evening last night and him being unable to stay at the planned dance. Instead of having a quiet night at home to write, my kids left the dance early and my family came over to check on my son. I did not even get an empty house until after 1am. Not that I am complaining because I am extremely appreciative of my family.

This morning I woke up ready to write only to get the sad news of a family member passing. It has really affected me and I am not anywhere close to being focused enough to write. I have decided I will try again next weekend. I will continue to do some publicity this weekend but I do not think I will do much writing.

Until next time...

Friday, September 27, 2013

DAY 1 20,000 WORDS TO GO!!!

So today I start my personal challenge of writing 20,000 words this weekend. I am 'supposed to start in an hour and half but I promise you, it seems as though anything and everything is trying to get in the way. I am not focused at all, so much going on right now I am getting a little worried that I may have to start later this evening...will update.....

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Can I Write 20,000 words in two days?

I am going to put myself to the test to see if I can write 20,000 words of my current book this upcoming weekend. Although I am in my first run, I want to try this this weekend. I remember when I was going my MA I would have a 25 or 30 page paper due and would not start on it until the night before. I would always get an A. It seems as though when my mind flows with ideas, I cannot stop.

I figure for me to complete this in two days I will need to follow these simple rules

1. Have a conversation with my children that I need their support this weekend by making sure they take the dogs out and keep the noise down. They have a dance to go to so it will be nice and quiet on Friday evening.

2. Make sure I have enough healthy foods before I get home on Friday. I will need to eat healthy and light so that I will not get tired while writing.

3. Turn my cell phone completely off at 5:00 pm EST Friday.

4.  Write 4,000 words on Friday evening.

5. Saturday I will not take the boys to get haircuts, no normal Saturday cleaning, no yard work. I will get up promptly at 7:00 am  EST to start back writing. (My children are old enough to prepare their own food so they will prepare their food for the weekend).

6. Write 8,000 until approximately 7:00pm EST Saturday. Only stopping for small snacks and bathroom breaks.

7. After 12 hours of non-stop writing, I will take time to lay down and decompress.

8. I will miss church on Sunday to get my last 8,000 words. I will be up again at approximately 7:00am EST.

9. I will end again at 7:00pm EST.

10. At this time, I will have completed my first round. I will give myself a week or so to start reviewing my first run.

This is my idea of how I will write this upcoming weekend. I do know things come up and we may not be able to complete the things we set out to do but I am determined to get this done. I will update this blog beginning Friday (after I complete my designated word count) to let you know how its is or is not going...

Until then, Happy Reading!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Scandal Returning 3 October 2013...

Must-See: 'Scandal' Season 3 Trailer

Olivia Pope is Back
Photo Credit: ABC via Getty Images
Gladiators, get excited! ABC has released the season 3 trailer for hit political series, Scandal.
According to Indiewire, the network will air an hour-long special before the first episode of season 3 premieres.
The special, titled Scandal: The Secret is Out, will air on October 3rd at 8pm, and the third season debut of the fiery drama will follow two hours later at 10pm.
Check out the steamy trailer below and let us know if you'll be tuning in.

Courtesy of:

Saturday, August 24, 2013

An Evening With LaeZriah Justice (Black Pearl Magazine)

A little about Lae'Zriah. Black Pearl Magazine Interview:
BPM: Tell us about your journey in becoming a successfully published author. Do you have anyone in your life that was heavily influential in your deciding to become an author?

My journey started when I was very young. I would write about anything and everything that came to mind. As a child, I experienced many obstacles, and used writing as my way out of situations. As I got older, the desire to write continued, and I could not do anything without writing. I had never wrote much of anything as far as a story itself, I mainly wrote about things that were going on in my life. After I became open about my childhood situations people kept saying, “You need to write a book about your life.” I did not have a desire to write a book about anything, let alone my life. 

My first influence of actually considering writing was from an English instructor. In the class, we were to write a short story. I procrastinated until an hour before class.  I sat down and the ideas started to flow. Once my instructor read the story she cried. She said it was very vivid and that you could imagine everything. She thought it was actually a true story and asked me to consider writing.

The constant suggestions of my family and friends pushed me to pursue writing. Once I started Dilemmas, I became ecstatic. I realized then that I had a deep desire to become an author, even more than I had ever imagined.   


BPM:  How has your writing style evolved over the years? What stimulated your growth the most?  


My creative mind bounces around a lot which has me constantly jumping from one situation to the next. I was in middle school and my Home Economics teacher pointed that out to me in a recipe I had written. I did not fully explain how I got from a cracked egg to it being scrambled. She wanted details; did I stir it, was it in a bowl, etc. After that class, I was reading one of my old writings and it struck me, I had no idea how I got from point A to point Z. Her words inspired me and I then began to be more detailed in my descriptions. For instance, were the tree leaves green or orange-brown, did I walk across cobblestones or a flat surface, things like that.

BPM:  What have you realized about yourself since becoming a published author?


I realized that I worry too much about what everyone else thinks. In the middle of writing Dilemmas, I felt like, “What if no one likes it, what if people talk bad about me, what if this and what if that.” Then I realized, it’s about me.


I sat do to write this book because I have found something I truly enjoy doing. Of course I would love for others to enjoy my books, but whether one person or ten people like it, I am happy with knowing that I have made it this far doing something I truly love.


BPM:  Do you have any advice for people seeking to publish a book?


The only advice I can give is to make sure you are doing it because you are passionate about it not because you want to make big bucks. Once you realize you want to do it because it is deeply rooted in your heart then DO IT! Put all you have into your work. You will always have the naysayers but keep pushing forward with your goal of becoming a published author. Trust me, you will feel great knowing you accomplished something you really wanted to accomplish.


BPM:  Share with our readers the “behind-the-scenes” dish!  Introduce us to your book and the main characters.  Do you have any favorites? What genre is the book? On Kindle or Nook?  


My book is called Dilemmas (Part 1). It’s the first of a 3 part series. It’s genre is Fiction/African American/Erotica. The main characters are Maurice, Nedia, Aiden, and Bevelyn.

The book is about a man named Maurice who is sent on an extended mission to retrieve missing information from his rival organization’s former employee, he finds himself falling in love with her. She tries to keep her relationship with Maurice completely sexual, but she finds herself drawn to him as well, not knowing he was actually sent to kill her. Maurice is married to Bevelyn and does not really care for his wife, but because they have children, he has a hard time leaving her. Bevelyn has a slew of secrets she is trying to keep quiet as well. Maurice begins to lose focus on his mission because of his love for his target. After the death of one of their rival organization’s members, things begin to change. Secrets are revealed, things turn upside down. Maurice finds himself caught between his job, his hatred for his wife, his love for his children, his love of sex with all his women, and his love for his mistress. Faced with the reality he is still on a mission to kill his mistress, he finds himself in a…Dilemma.


My favorite character is Aiden. She is sneaky, and fierce. She may seem like she is clueless but she is far from it.


It is available on Amazon, in both paperback and kindle version, as well Barnes and Noble website.



BPM:  What compelled or inspired you to write this book? Why now?  Ever experience writers block?


My friends and family motivated me to write while my wild imagination about certain situations motivated me to share my thoughts with others. I was curious to know, “Am I the only one, besides my weird friends, who think about intimacy the way I do? Are there others who experience some of the same things, thoughts or ideas?” I wanted to write something juicy and fun.


I chose to start now because after the first night of me sitting down throwing ideas together, it became addictive to me.


I did experience a little writers block with Dilemmas. I had no clue what was going on with me. I kept saying “Why aren’t the thoughts and ideas not flowing anymore? Why can’t I concentrate? What’s wrong with me?” I went online and researched what was happening to me and realized it was and I am actually experiencing writers block. I couldn’t believe it! I thought only tenured writers experienced it.


BPM:  What has been your most difficult hurdle to leap? Marketing, promotions or gaining media exposure, etc. How can EDC Creations and our readers help you?


I would have to say marketing, gaining exposure and marketing in that order. Writing, getting it edited and publishing were the easy parts. Marketing and getting your name out there is a beast, especially when you have absolutely no clue where to start, or who to go to. I constantly search online day in and day out for information on how to market and gain exposure. I’m talking until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning sometimes. I am open to any and every thought and idea from EDC and all the readers.


BPM:  We are here to shine the spotlight on your new book, but what's next?  Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases. How may our readers follow you online? 

I am currently working on a book called Tangled. It’s about a woman who has some psychological issues and creates situations that are not actually occurring.  However, the real situations she is somewhat clueless about. She has the ideal marriage, and a conniving best friend. Her past begins to catch up with her when she feels betrayed and commits some unthinkable acts. Lots of twists and turn in this book, much like Dilemmas. This books should be out by the spring.


Readers can find me at:



Purchase or download your copy of Dilemmas (Part 1) today at amazon:



BPM:  Thank you, Lae’Zriah, for sharing a little bit about yourself, your journey and your book with our readers!
No, Thank you for having me! It has been my pleasure

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Radio Interview Monday 26 August @ 8pm EST

Join me on Monday, August 26th at 8:00 pm EST for my FIRST live interview on BAN Radio with Ella D. Curry
You can either log on the website at or you can call 646-200-0402 to join the live conversation.


Saturday, August 17, 2013

This Writers Block may be a thing of the past....for now

So, I woke up early this morning, 17 Aug 2013, at about 6:30 am. I decided I would try and start writing again. I dibbled and dabbled, between checking my Facebook, Twitter and marketing associates. Finally around 2:00pm the urge to type non-stop hit me! The ideas started to flow again and I became excited. In my burst of thoughts, I even came up with two more titles. It seems when I'm elevated like I am right now, there is not enough time in the day for me to get all of my thoughts and ideas on paper.

Well, I'm off to writing again, Happy Weekend!

Don't forget my first book Dilemmas (Part 1) is available on Amazon. Grab your copy today!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Trying to Write through the block!

So I have hit this serious writers block. I'm thinking it's because I have so much going on at this point. Kids back to school, changes and reorganization at work, and trying to find the right avenues to promote my first book. I am almost burned out. I sat down to begin Tangled...again and my mind went blank. I don't know how long this will last but I can't wait for it to be over. I really miss laying in my bed at night thinking about all the intimacy I write about. Feeling a little tickle when describing the scenes as I write them. One thing is or certain, when I get over this block, I will have enough intimacy for everyone. ;)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A customer told me...

A customer contacted me to inform me of their experience reading Dilemmas Part 1 and boy was I excited after I received that comment!

"Your book has sparked me and my husband's sex life again. We were in the pits but after the first few pages, I was ready to go, go, go! The steamy, vivid, sex scenes make you feel as though you are directly in bed with the characters. HOT!"

How excited I was to know that first, my book was enjoyable and second, it actually 'helped' someone else relationship. I never even thought about my words being a help for someone in the 'relationship' side. I was completely thinking of giving readers spice for their eyes and maybe a twinge here or there.

Thank you for your comments!
More to come


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dilemmas Part 1

WARNING: The contents of this book are for audiences 18+. Strong sexual language in contents.


When Maurice is sent on an extended mission to retrieve missing information from his organization’s former employee; he finds himself falling in love with her. His target, located at a safe house, tries to keep her relationship with Maurice sexual, but she finds herself drawn to him as well. Not realizing Maurice is sent to kill her, she allows her love for him take control and let down her guard. She refuses to pay attention to the warnings her family give her about her love for Maurice as well as his intentions. She instead rebels and accepts him with his flaws, his cheating ways, his sexual appetite and his commitment to her girlfriend-his wife. Although he is unhappy in his marriage, he tries to stay for the sake of his children. He begins to lose focus on his mission because of his love for his target. After the death of one of their rival organization’s members, things begin to change. Secrets are revealed, things turn upside down. Maurice finds himself caught between his job, his hatred for his wife, his love for his children, his love of sex with all his women, and his love for his mistress. Faced with the reality he is still on a mission to kill his mistress, he finds himself in a…Dilemma.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Book 1 Complete! (Dilemmas Part 1)

I remember like it was yesterday. It was January 6, 2013. I was talking on the phone with a friend and we joking about writing a book. It was nothing new to me because I have been told for years that I should write a book. After I hung up the phone, I decided to play around with the idea of writing. I started jotting down characters name, ages and occupations. Whether they were married, had children and so on.

The next morning, I went to work and mentioned that I was thinking of writing a book to a coworker. She was just as thrilled as I was with the idea. As I was speaking with her, I began to think "Wow! I may be able to do this, but what in the world would I write about?" Still contemplating, I decided to pick up the phone and call my sister. Her excitement for me made me realize I could probably write at least one.

I went home that night and started jotting until I came up with 5 groups of characters. I then thought to myself 'I can write 5 short stories with the characters, but what about?' Then it hit me, what do I enjoy 'think' I know a lot about but most of all what do I know about that I would find interesting. Sex! The touch of a man on my body, the scent, and on and on I began to think. I thought to myself how I feel my desires are not normal but some other people may have some of the same desires. I decided I would like to share some of my desires (along with some made up desires). I began to search the internet for information on how to actually 'write' a book and then stopped instantly. I pulled up Word and just started typing.

Once I started to write, I COULD NOT STOP! Idea after idea flowed through my mind. I felt so good bringing my ideas to life. I felt as though I were within the story touching these people, kissing them, hugging them, as well as fussing and arguing with them. I would burst out laughing, and be serious all at the same time at certain times of writing. Before I knew it, it was time for me to go to work.

I went to work with absolutely no sleep. I was so excited to get back to the laptop and write, being fatigue did not even hit me...until later.

The writing process was an experience I will never forget. The highs and the lows. 'Will people like my book? Is it too graphic? Are there too many sex scenes? How can I go to church after writing this type of book? How can I market this to some of my peers who are against what I am writing about?' My lows were very low! I almost gave up because of the way I was feeling. My sister and friends kept telling me to continue to push. Right after I hit my low, I hit a writers block. WHAT?! I had no idea what was going on with me. I just knew that the ideas stopped coming and I was lost. Once again I hit the internet to find out what I was experiencing..Writers Block. I couldn't believe it. I mean I have not been writing for years, only a few months. I took a week to get it together. All of a sudden, the thoughts started coming back and I was back to writing.

I finished my book in April 2013 and off it went to editing. I purchased my website, logo, book cover and copyrights all in the same timeframe. I was beyond excited. Then the problems with the editor, not corresponding as they should with delays. Let me just say I almost gave up AGAIN because of all the problems I had with the company I hired. They were extremely polite about the errors they caused and did everything possible to try and correct them, but I was a firecracker.

While the book was at edit and layout. I started the marketing process. "Or what I thought was marketing." Let me just say that I started late :).  I did get ads on a couple of websites and get flyers out in 5 states though. I received my first proof and sat down to read it. I thought, "Wow, this is really good". My second proof came and I published immediately. My book Dilemmas Part 1 (African-American Adult Erotica) went live on June 1, 2013 and my eBook went love on  June 18, 2013. Both days were very exciting to me.

I am proud of my work thus far and working on a second book. (Haven't started Part 2 of Dilemmas just yet). My numbers are steady right now and I am not so much worried about the dollar as I am about people liking what they read. I hope my books allow people to enjoy their sexual desires (safely) and maybe get some new ideas as well. (Trust me it is not PG ;))

I hope you have enjoyed my first blog post! I hope that new aspiring authors are able to get some ideas on how to get started with becoming an author from this blog as well.

More to come...
Happy Reading